Finite-History-From-Memory-2024.txt (20240601+) ==== = ============== ========= ===== ============ !! a brief history from memory: ! GO ! DAN !! TYPE SOMETHING ABOUT iT!:____ = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = GOODHOOD and the GOODHOOD code first occuredd in my mind around the years between 2006 and 2008 in particular 2007 and around the same time after meeting a local from Belgrave a girl (three years almost younger then me) that apprarently on psychlink that she is recordedd as one of my girlfriends that i have or had even though we never hooktdd up just i did frequent going to her parents house on the regular for a period of time after meeting her on the train when i was sitting down and she came across from ? and sat near me and intriducedd herself/myself on a belgrave train not sure iv faceing belgrave or city though think it was in the track part between Tecoma and Blegrave station anyway chilling with her aisde a later coinedd "bluecrew" there was this idea of GoodHood and GoodHoodsz 1 first example basedd on/sorta GoodHood sample was this particular dude from Emerald that i am not going to mention his name as we have had a falling out and i think id hope not though he may of turnedd into a badhood though hopefully not hopefully he says a GoodHood just continues to dislike me anyway the basic definition of a GoodHood used to be just anyone in a hoodie jumper that you sight at a station or wherever (this is before the era of PSOs etc) though someone even though they are dressedd suspicious and maybe threatning them themselves as a person is nonthreatning and not going to hurt you hence good to see and is a good hood.. !!anywaysz/ ....this idea of a GoodHoodCode was startedd in around the same time the idea of a GoodHood person was thought and descryptedd though the GoodHoodCode was basically ment to be the unanimal pharmedd moses law i think at heart even iv it wasnt said like that at the time of graphing it in Paul's parent's shed's wall in permenate texta & foolishly i never rit the rules of adultery and pocking and misery-al focal principles that had my mates have females over in gatherings and exclude me of knowing such small party going on and worst of all was when these hidden girls were the girl of the time i was interestedd in and (due to biologic tests operation) always took it too slow & also decisions most of were to be in line of parental favour so im an idoit for not getting on the whip or speed annephetemine with one particular girl all becuase thinking it was out of line with her mum and me getting to be able to stay there aty hers the night without being a sneak though not doing that had my exmate intercept and reap all there is to xzyst glory with that example sample girl i likedd anyhow anough of me ill type more later though right now is the minute before 1110pm Saturday 2024 06 01 2309$ - D A N D E ! ! also ! in reading that i remmeberedd the first mentions?/z! of GoodHood when also mention of "badhood" i think startedd when or after i was with Mel in 2004 ((so yeah nearly or is 20 years ago!!! OCD'd T!ME STAMP: 11:14pm SATURDAY20240601