unfree.coffeecup.com ! sat down @ 10:30pm & logged in & now typeing this i opened this .txt notepad file in that same 1030pm minute though now it is 1031pm !!! | | | |

!! Anyhow, I am worried that the chinese girl i was typeing to on facebook who insisted me use "whattsapp" that i have never used may proberbly never contact me again, though it would be good iv she did!

420 20z2 | ||| | | | | Wednesday April 20th 20z2 :

https://unfree.coffeecup.com/anotherplacetopost.html - I still need to make this .html page !!! | | | |

A day/date that has the meaning of Communion
& not this inside joke of spikeing a girl just to get 11hours/z of continuous head.

| The 420 CHURCH - APRIL 20TH 20z2 |

|| 10:41pm 20z20420:

https://www.dosgamesarchive.com/gamegroup/commander-keen/ - credit$: GOOGLE search . ... ....

links to other site$$

a r l . o r g . a u ~ https://recyclingnearyou.com.au/arl/ ... ....