( not the $50 or $200 1%moneybag$ paid "iv i eat it" = prankUNFunnyJOKE on me the loser & him the proven winner - 1.00%p/a = $1.25c AUD to be paid 2040 per $1.00c AUD loaned 2015
cutout.com.au " i got to do this to all Dawson's girlfriend$ ^ "
(( & " if she loves him she wont come over " the only dirt of 1 not both though the son ridding the sister 1 wasn't always my friend.
thankyou for the mid90s Jr. Burger$ FTG
^=spikeing with ??? apparently viagra,prozac,ritalin,vaccuum?addheasive:( ""eating out of my hand" (dont need even the extra $5 note for an extra keep going ,
sycazm= he the best friend makes proven sure im the lier who ____ cool edit - paid back that $100 inflated because i lied when i photocopied the ratgirl picture in fear it would be used to tease & hurt sarah or "prove" i dont love her.... hence i needed the original even iv photocopied
& AND "here watch this video of unfreecoffeecupTHEderogatorY :
toiletcam videos aquired for an extra$10aVideoWINDOWsilledWithPHONEbyDisrespectfullDONTthinkOFdan BLOCKEDmagicDISAPPEARINGcysts&haemar$&haemoGLOBs?z
&the 30meter rule "oh he said this ____" & "outofsensoryrange ^ maggotizm"
@ least those tax earns replaced nappy smeared bus shelter wall$ sorry just every bus stop post sign & dnslike serial engraved vicRoads cant be stolen though needs replaceing due to paid vandal$
" not really you Niall nor the three grand just whombever u sold this site to or whombever hyjacked it, turned it to shiFt, a prostitution 'provisions' expense laundry ... .
Also are you still even alive cunt ? suddy !????? - or are u on the I.S.S. with James r.i.p. ...