STEAM: unfreedotcoffeecupdotcom THIS (WHEN BACK TO COMPUTER) WORK THIS SESH OK!: --> dwig - orange evening -> both the [Forest&Flowers1932] & the ?[rat?mouse?1?run] !!! !!!! There was something else to link !? & now I have forgotten ! not to do with cigarette$ , even though ,,, ..... Have a break dan have a ciggy and come back to cram! ?doorSLAM!!!! der derhh derr 'high speed computer$" ?... & there is something of/in the pea-tree-dish . ?.... ?something something around to thiS '''' .o.k.LoOOk?girl?mum?some?jean$!of!no!confusion!where,the,younger$,are'not(not in the adept of a deceptive)just me & a woman that didnt abort & lovedd him..... ||| |||| dan daws the dejavu , you , me , myself , and , i , i . i . i . ... ..... OCD'd TIME STAMP: 6:09 AM FRIDAY THE 5TH OF AUGUST 20z2 +1minute! = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = ! MY ! tOo0=th is hurtinG!!| 6:11 AM | FRIDAY | 05.08.z2|