copyNpaste((of a one way troll rhyme with that song in mind->> D.D Dumbo - Satan ==== = ============== ==== 21:10 You sent ((all this witout a response&orReply:'( Kk squirle Can't spell perfectly Where are U now Rhiannon one letter before capital B (hint connect mention to ex girlfriend now a mum and has a husband Tommy Bailey her maiden was DavisRobinson and me a d dawson Time thoughts provide was thinking um sorry just past hour or so was is under the pump not fluid counting just aminos and muscle crpubt cramping prelude from power walking to aldi before 8 then back to Grannysz pick up green heshiam carry bag with payload and get to station before last bus miss it too late scheduled on net 832pm depart myki touched on 831pm chrono favoured the leap frog road connect rather then crossing footpath overlay where iv not green Walker I'd been windgeing begging over phone talker and failed astronomy Satan d.d dumbo Song Been the playing invisable iPod Anyhow thought and malice and feeling dogged or unwanted more or at all at the core for a msg and talking brief and a said look outside unhairless head anyhow paid a wig a grand for eight hours of unedited girthood all because dan almost could, of had a one more person to lay and watch tv NO! Blest with LSD arggghh! The thought of saving, against royalty . The dumb never save U ((music instrument sonar noise hearing on song these parts)) anyhow video clip is sorta laugh at U Daniel d Copy and paste flavoured kaereoke and a status upgrade for fitting waxing unshaved love those uncharted hands so soft and not of male boss no hit no shiFty lift 1 8 5 Call it suicide a drink with reciept HUH!!!! No one saveing a list of loyalty ok dan listen to the sittarh how ever U auto corrections speller or told and teach the graze girt oesterich A krackitivity bedside night Horoscopes and a email made in hope that a multiple credit card paid site addressed not the punched tv huh! Bloody broadband it's on a frequency slower then tv huh? I'm not Satan I can not save U only for U sounds of later poured mental T the peasoup guareentee it's flavours from across the street not sea ing dan ever again for paparazzi ten dollars to young sellout blood edited from cool tiklenot potty grot evil like a shower of such re Prove-ing maggotseed can not fallen proceed just remember makeup and dead sister for brushle teeth not yet silver and glory for ditching good never noir yahhh ehhhhh think dan Just 48 sPLAT !!! This is what I gave yahh pills and ectasy ! It's o er forty a unit millions are lost at sea the Pacific or percificly explicit lyrics that tell U how U must be in order to sell out the good the rewards are endless like hugging the fustration hug folk dan remind U again train train station station words names again you age 44 then four more a 1 4 6 1 leap to Jerico a new name for a smashed window I wonder the driver that one that had never salvia of steel a thought progression pppump had to try just like not I thankGod where is this me Daniel d Should I copyNpaste to bullsvrypted funny satyr walking with knees not inverted like unseen pedestrians Combat mountain a liquid refuel Call my name it's dan yell said in tongue his skin and U makes me cry inside oh well sonar resonation transmitter shhhHUT! U no Medusa unless you cupped his limp and nut$ mango inclusion Just hug me where I am alive Iv not no woz a wig in the perfume and pharoah moans not the queen of sixtyteens I have no Congo mountain Thoughts of sewerslides Ride provided Free taste of crack pasted And car as good as dreams the teacher the cheated of his girl HUH!!!! Proven me the cheater it's disaster reciepe ahhh Daniel !??? No girl likes U already so know you have shower alone again with a woman who is twenty five metres away prefering handbrake leans with a total ninstranfer just a few months older million dollar norm equator that never said anything about bank 30 bread and beared around forgot in the mud early twentys 17 a pie provide and me the acclaimed legions of thighroid mountain change to were I died Satan - D.D Dumbo Invisable psychosis prink no good and no girl in a hood at corner tonight hateing the life applied that only social is the suicide I tried not good enough a shrink defineately needed for aquireing property rite of her girt me inside My scar-ed heart survivedd though maybe not for blood pumping only alone not and doesn't mean U are dead and did die no lie life in air turbined turn blind again is bullshiFt mountain Sonar musical sonar noise madeyahhh Same song stranger God is on side her0 counting For dan @ 20 three a boy no extra d just never any or enough money for fifty never see or seen even when it cost me a fien later I'd need for mercy rations thoughts scrEAM beauty beautiful girl I seen. Too bad ovalteen gumboot texture a I want U next ta thankyou 17 no! It's a saviour a girl who act tule ley maybe one thought prayered that I'd move along and go back to songs that hero mountain Rip that like a virgins lyric thymes squared a one dan daws in danger For he never appoint come Just new law legal mountain Sonar sonAR soNAR sONAR Part cresendO Not ruined plastics white blueO BeeShiTo'$ told vomit yosz the miracle of brains basketballs and windows/z| Tied at neck not with ripe though a hose...... it's called hero mountain Not backwards therapy . Thankyou Kimberley for being one asked kiss to start of life after Sarah forever will miss. I lost a chancer Rhiannon felt a key HUH!!!! Train carriage dan , Resonance & Harmony. Love no suicide 936pm Sunday Feb 6th 20z2 C U ily is lies till n xt to me horizontal 90degree eyes only looking at me pillow cave mountain. Has to be after sleeping nearly. Die in a hole dan isn't undersand Nine thirty sevennnn dan. Her0 Less mountain hills meadow Call my name I'll never feel that thin again She was my her0 mountain Curns of water slide HydroElectricPowerCord Fetals?z in the bribe I wanted a bride one girl like sair rah someone I loved no lie Again after ten times one girlfriend a never knew yahhhhhhh Sorry dual same day date calandar 940pm dani Daniel rhianni no Rhiannon for none of her girt or hugs with me working shirt and threads till naked in bed What about this shower ? No thoughts of L S D huH!!!! I got this song planing forever can't communicate the faulted master not me give up I type end it full stop. MsgChain$toRhiannonA&whombEverThoughtAndMakesMeCopyAndNotHideApaste for her0 mountain.......