((previous saved file name is next line: theCOMMENTorPOSTafterTHAToneBROOMEstickNUKEing2016andNOW20z2sixYearsLaterDANchillSHEwill_unhappyFACEunfunnyJOKEunlessSHEchoosesTOchillWITHmeANDnotYOUbadhoodMONEYGOULcantSPELLorTrickLikeAPsychologistWithExpoiltONLYinMIND20z2one2three4 Daniel Dawson Just now ยท Shared with Public ? there was some inportant issue or idea or subject topic thought that was crucial to not being a dog and i cant remmeber what it was now ๐Ÿ˜ž damn like al gold information i never rememebr so another ca get the credit or maybe my prompted thought is not my own ? u sure ? schizophrenia dont believe anythign the madman says the stalker and fraud . Sia - Elastic Heart anyhow 1043pm at least in one minute it is 1044pm !!! 0 comments addedd comment: Daniel Dawson oh yeah 1047pm before then now it was the needing to typeup and start and add to the feb menu index list of links on my site for the Debt($)/Liabilitie$ Portfolio Ledger being : Water Bottle DropSite Locations List (FEB20z2) though yeah doesnt seam all that much to others?/z though i think its a good 1 Reply1 m