........im pretty sure that oct2016 north japan was nuked as well and....... then months later the naplaming the east coast from aircraft carriers the officeworks dude didnt let me photocopy my early 2020 drawing of one not the armerments though yeah the toilet paper fiasco over civilians citizens familys cutting a raw deal having to pay 3+%p/a interest on home loans ((that are a third the cheapest melbourn property is "worth"selling for these days) compared to a 1987 born rabbit peicies getting a 1%p/a interest only investment loan or some seymour nab issueing a 2 billion dollar credit allowance @ 1%p/a and the $55k per day accural was waiver or no need to pay due to covid and those immigrational persons $20k entry start up gift has been going to this 1 money bag$i didnt relize was not my friend and for his own piece of mind keeps a secret rude recordings and cool edits folder on his or someone he sits next too or in front or behind "incase folder" nidgeCo you know all too well...... now are u dead or not ? whats this with yousz being vanGuard or some bs ? national nominees was the international fullonship wasnt it or that prior 2015 and these loans been granted for all the quibble propertys being snatched up anyhow at least Sarah now is a mum and pretty much in my view a wife and i shouldnt be feeling or thinking (in regards to this opie property ($280k2013?)) that we got stoodgedd for all i know Sarah and Tommy are renting that exact propertyoff money bag$ anyhow feudal law at least i wont be coerced and oversteped like the legal and bullyish framework psychology allows for anyho at least then front of house street faceing walls need ned kellying and guns the norm just no killins unfortuneately not so ~ like nazis invadedin the state of Poland with nil causltys on eaither side...... Anyway there is Chernobyl and ?China ? or Mongolia agreeing to a pretty nifted deal being able to like burwood hwy VW caged in fencedd in car storage till they all vanishedd (maybe CMC containers?) not the empty thefted ones made into council public parklettes, though that drivein like defrag arrangemnet of aerial view of all those trucks and vehicles tetris parking in that news footage i think is just the radiative cargo of what looks like gold though is unfinished not fully spent sickness ? causeing ? blocks of reactor and or secret?base?engine manufacturers by products that Russia and China agreed Chernobyl is defruited to no return maybe already so the allowance to grid bumper to bumper all these convoy no trailer units full of radiative blocks that look like gold though no one will even purchase another form of the fools gold joke and whos buying selling it ? whos ripping who ? anyhow 1037pm the internet works WaltWoolworths had my ciggysz at the second store i asked at the counter and it may not of been second classing junkie treatment saying they were out of stock i guess thats my problem with them made in the ukraine though i always thought ukraine was the farest east of russia and was the overlay territory though i was wrong its like north germany or something ?alexander the greats macedonia? croatia?ureckon cody thankyou for being helpfull and all the other characters i neglect to mention though yeah 1039pm do u reckon prostitution as a primary industry is a good thing you non spikers ? even iv one of the pills was a good eccy ?1039pm Wednesday February 9th 20z2 1040pm