5th FILE: 35FILE0005 $ THE FIFTH FILE $$$ |||| ==== = ============== ==== ===== Ok, Now turning this into a sorta "preSTARTjournalENTRY" -=- something i defsz should make sure i do each computer session !!! !!!! & yeah, AND YEAH, The time is now 1:50am Friday June 24th 20z2 & I am now 35 years old as of yesterday -=- my bday! Anyway, ! maybe i should turn this file not only into the "35FILE0005" though the first html or sorry make this an .txt file though do the second one exactly the same though inputate the brackets html code and maybe save such as the sixth file so "35FILE0006" and yeah, go from there ! !!! !!!! OCD'd TIME STAMP: 1:53am Friday June 24th 20z2 @ ALPINE LODGE FC VIC AU EARTH ! !!! !!!! | | | |