A 20z2 06 11 0021 _ delusions_00003.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = D A N i E L , NO GIRL WANTS TO SUCK U OFF OR KISS YOU OR GET CLOSE ENOUGH TO SMELL YOU ; YOU RAIDATEDd URANIUM?LEPARDTANKshellDISCHARGEslagGOLDdropping$reason for radiation saturdation?saturation and foul smell not shiFt not bo just not good. THIS IS MENT TO BE ABNOUT THE DELUSION($) THAT U HAVE HAD DANIEL !!! | | | | https://www. ____ i have no idea right now i should leave it there though any single girl$ out there that haven't been distastedd with my same bastards PR sorry HR or whatever altering my tinder when a mate let me use their credit card numbers or ? not to bill or debit his account just to setup a bs with that app and they sabatogued though i didnt overly care because the principles were going to make me happy though my pictures that they took and updated were them being the carton joke$ og no good. 12:25am !? is anyone up ? that lives near me ? contradict right there DAN ( DANIEL ) ... .... 12:26 AM - SATURDAY - 11.06.20z2