==== ==== ......when my family first got a personal computer i think in the year of 1994 the only game($) that we got with it was that "MindMaze" jester questions?/z game witin the Encarta96? how we had that is 94 ? beats me? though there was that and this submarine game "Silent Service II" that Dad had chosen along with a demo disk cd that had JazzJackRabbit on it and not sure what else though in i think 1995?1996?or later or sometime in the mid 90s i paid a person $20 AUD for a two disc contained case of that that was the first Red Alert ( Command&Conquer ) and yeah also i think in 1994?or later or nearabouts Dad's workmate Sean heard i had been wanting a computer game and he gave us the box cut from case artwork though theoriginal actual game cd for a (WingCommander((AuxGame))) = Privateer & i lovedd that and RedAlert like nothing else, , ( given that iv before 1995 May 30th Sarah wouldn't even been born yet !!!! ) though yeah ok........ OCD'd TIME STAMP: 1:17 AM TUESDAY THE 1ST OF MARCH 20z2 | ||| | | | |