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| | | | !!!! phullyDanielTHINK! !!! | | | | 

| | 6:26am Tuesday The 1st of March 20z2 | ||| | | | |

 > > - subject$/topic$ that have to be researchedd ? ! ! ! | | | |

 > > - the idea($) of things like ? Pe-reen-nal ?Religion??????? = the amalgeedd & blendedd/blend of multiple already xzystant religion$ !!!!!

 > > - how i am suss on this thread of "FIRST NATIONS" and people claiming to be Aboriginal though are like a 32th fractional decent & i feel is just chess moves to eminent domain residential property and handing it over freely to some selfish and greedy at core trust fund or etc....

 > > - maybe make one html page or list of links to each of the major pre-xzysting religions?/z i right now maybe able to think of a few, them being: Jewish/Judaizm ; Muslim/Islam ; Christian?hillsong?!!! ; Catholic/Italy&Nazi&parts of AustraliA and elsewhere state religion? ; Hindu&Hindu-izm ; Seik?Sikk?! an alteratedd hindu seperation & close of location/geography ; Tibetian Monks?/z& Himalayian Religion?way of life?non persecuted for heroin use or other ? ; um, Satanizm isn't a religion and is BS ! ; ? Pagan-izm?=may have some correct forgotten or suppressed science and reality holding truth$? ; Jedi-Knight?Hood? another sorta full BS just is convention goer$ & fan$ of (?anagram?) $+AR wAR$ ; Athethist = another BS and is just GodLess (?=GoodLess) ?@heart persons/z! ; what other ones off the top of my head ? unsure the time now is 635am Tuesday March 1st 20z2 | ||| | | | | 

 > > - not really LoL-ing though the idea of my first religion aside unschooledd reading of a bible within the books that used to xzyst on a bookcase @ our previous family home, this religion being WARHAMMER$/WARHAMMER40K/GAMESworkshop?CITEDALminituresTHEmagazineWHITEdwarf& most all other literiture influencedd and collective part content of child/children/young teen brainwashing material.......

 > > - ?

 > > - The ART & SCIENCE OF CREATE-ING AND NURTURE-ING AND ASSISTEDd GROWING OF PLANT-LIFE ; VEDGETABLE$ ; FRUIT($) ; HERB($) ; & ALL OTHER ORGANIC?GROWN FROM SUNLIGHT'S NECCESSITY OF ?VITAMIN D & h2O or h1O(=resomated water) & nutriented soil and or hydroponic irrigational sustinence ? i never done a grow or cultivatedd nearly any plant life , as a kid I managedd to grow huge pumpkin$ though as a mid teenager (after moving house) my so called friend($) (mainly the one exfriend moneybag$) would as a joke step and trample all my efforts of starting or having a backyard garden or vedgeysz & the teaseing bullying behaviour and acceptance of the loss of vedgyPatch effort shruggedd off with the him and me and others?/z jokeing saying " TRAMPLED VEDGEY DAN " & i think is the same humor of that one customer per night pizza delivery may xzyst @ " DAN GOES NUT$ " in reference to me wakeing up from unconcious & full cracking the shiFt$ (going nut$_ , saying stuff like: " where's Ross? i just had a nightmare he dogged me where is the k#n+ ?!!! " and everyone around me (at the time as we were at Cowes i think during a GrandPrix) and those around me saying "No! No! No! not Ross dan, its that Valenteeno Rossi - the motorbike rider !" - then i storm out over to main street or whereever the fruit it was yelling at congregated groups of older then us late teenagers?toolies?(we went to Lorn for Schoolie$ (2005)) saying "where is he?" the perpetuation fuelled by the need to avenge the future self in a nightmare derived from unconciousness that could have been dud ectasy or medication or and alcohol? cone$ we never smoked in direct public though defineately in moured passenger vehicles NOT BUSES ! though yeah anyhow snitching myself and the few i thought were mate$ , one at least deroged me at any given chance undetected (hence this 30metre rule) and is repaid or offset by the badmouthing and boycotting of anything he does these days?/z in assisting and establishing for extended time feelings that hell is life and he has tainted and poped any potential heaven($) though yeah hopefully there is a girl that chose not him & i get to meet and kiss her . . . .

 > > - ! damn !!! now this file will be saved nearly ten minutes after 644am ! !!! | | | |

 | | TUESDAY - THE 1ST OF MARCH 20z2 | ||| | | | |