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Daniel Dawson
March 9, 2018 ยท
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im finding it strange out here near the desert it must be either that I haven't drinkin' water only sugar acidic fluids or Sulphur taurine drink V or it may be that it never has dew on the grass out here? also I conclude that it only is more extreme in frakcounty as I never went on the south Australia desert red center camp trips and yeah feels weird must be the desert factor and like nes link after Zelda not the 64 or snes one though psychlink suggests its ghost town though I doubt its that its sorta like the time at mt d(that quibs the desert string) though that day afternnon night was about eating 200g of aldi whole mushrooms and something about larsenry that I owed the pizza shop money or that its got to do with the water not so much fluid or hydration or just this other quib bullshitz that psych diagnostics failed to determine that were real like the near non heart rate only the kidneys or failed pancreas something as the hydrogen chloride defruited my heart and so did the shard and cyanide corrosion in 2016 or prior now just its tripy at shepp/mooroopna though I think its just proximity to the desert and I'm used to dandenong ranges and my thought that there is ruby crystals under the ground and the string I rit on the bus coach here is that relates to frak county and the earths blood kknd string that oil or petro source is like to the desert surface septacemyk skin or something due to the zu-clopenxiol non bullshitizm due to the depot worker injecting and getting in my marrow anyhow tripy shit really tired got to boot go a bus to shepp in like hour and a half or something then back to Melbourne where shit continues weird shit just put it to the desert string and haven't got used to the area of geography 405pm 9th of MARCH 2018 This won't show in anyone else's Feed unless you share it