
Daniel Dawson
10 m ·
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?Q. whats this suspect scam/schemers?/z initial divided return concerning both:

"DRP"=DividendReinvestmentPlan… See more

1 comment
Daniel Dawson

First TEN NETwork holdings Limited & NIL consideration

Then Coca-Cola Amatil CCL paying out and removeing all independant shareholders?/z inline to make it full privatized other then the majority owner NYSE listed "The Coca-Cola Company" KO The what was SPN then AST "Ausnet" becomes?/z the neccessity for ?APA? or more ( like Telstra's FutureFund committee ) to fully buy out again all independants?/z i think well at least after selling my entrie ASTasx holding$ other then ten AST stapled securitie$ that later sold for i think $2.602 or $2.6002 each and was the instrument for a mate that i had a falling out with achieve from a loaned $11million $600k on Scentre Group shares(stapled securitie$)@ $4.10c AUD that he lost on though the $10.3million paid for 5.9something million AST shares(stapled securitie$) @ $1.78c AUD each anyhow bullshiFt this computer laptop setup require$ $$$ = 2kWh every 5hours?/z i think iv it is 400watt$ though yeah anyhow ... .... what is the next one ???? please do not say ANZ ! NAB ! CBA ! and WESTPAC !!! !!!!


6:36 PM - TUESDAY - THE 29TH OF MARCH 20z2 | ||| | | | |

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