Sarah thankyou & Sarah i Hope U are OK n ALRIGHT & not IN strife !

Though yeah here is a link to a fresh start and initial intention was not to cap Sarah relatedd information though to cite a offer/request/details for a meet up with an older girl i have been near though i think never alone with - long enough - an under the rite/right ethics/ethical religious? respectfullness domain of cant make such sin or the wrong thing.
. . . . so yeah here is the link: mAYyOUmEETmEmISStONIGHTaToNEtHIRTYaMaTtHEcOMMUNITYsHRINEwHEREisEENyOUtHATdAYiNmAY2017.html @ 130AM TONIGHT !!! | || |

can someone tell me iv sarah is alroght and hasnt been ect electricuted please tell me

... ..... phault'dd : -Web Hits
. . . / | | | |

Wantedd: Girl from the newsagents the other day yourself not the lotto ticket. im sorry im a hopeless derogatory, please make my life better. contact me , iv you are who i think u are ask me or your sister for my recenter mobile number though yeah im not exactly sure who u are though i hope i get to. please hurry as my mind is more mirserble then the weather. obviously iv u were within arms reach that would be bs. anyway from daniel d ? DID SARAH GET ECT BS & is in hosptial ? if true life = hell

? IS SHE IN HOSPITAL ? THE PSYCHWARD ? MONASH ??? CAN SOMEONE TELL ME AS SOON AS ABLE CONTACT ME VIA im worriedd sarah is in the psychward or at monash university as a expriemental mental health treatment (torture) full bs that has my ex girlfriend being osciliatedd with multiple streams of electricity may someone contact me on facebook ( ) or call me ask me for mynumber though yeah please GOD and GOODNESS i pray im not in full hell 203am Thursday November 3rd 20z2

& i pray that no one i lovedd or caredd about is in hell either ! so yousz that sin and do the wrong thing remember everyone even yourselves are better off iv you dont sin and break hearts or bs like ect (mental health legal torture centres)