A-FACEBOOK-POST-AND-COMMENT($-THAT-I-POSTEDD-NEAR-11-MINUTE$-AGO-a2020829$.txt Daniel Dawson 11m · Shared with Public so she sucked moneybag$ off, im shatteredd and makes me miserable. it must of been wrong for me likeing her anyway 😢 Generalstore dot com for fruitations?/z sake i hope im overreaacting and paranoid like @ my mate Benjamin'$ typeo went to spell Jambi or NOT pearljam blasteredd just a TOOL song indication & such is good when thinking about the tunesz i used to listen to almost religiously that preludedd the love of my life now lost though only heaven segments forgotten for a hell of amputation$/z i pray to GOD And the GOOD its unfortunately someone else or somehow reversable iv like was episode 2 (1st trioplogy trilogy so V ...anyway (was talking starwars and not my OLANZapine um, ...... ||||just had thought to add this dribble rant on to the site i should i reckon just copy and paste into notepad and etc or rather steps numbers of duo$? no dua lipa no daniel d no girlfriend near or actually no money overdraft is in exactly $500 debt before i got that 7cent credit and now remembering that there is 6cent$ avail though yeah hopefully city mish tomoz and what was i wanting to write before motion or notion subconcious had me feel better like another Sarah or one to guide me to ~ to a my own girl to guide me in.. 111am i did kiss the sister ?dan what makes u feel better? NOT JUST A HUG FROM ALLISON ! !! the roOster - alice in chain$ RIP JAMES DaNGERINK right when i met Sarah. 112am notes indicates hints or blantent signalls AL 112 like 118 AR and 110 AJ though yeah anyway ... . . . . . . 113am Aleksz Dave;s missuses or ex.. anyhow sorry local miss that has nothing to do with GorillaZ and mate Ryan Bradley i need a girlfriend astat, so i can sit with these couples at a sharedd table and not be a dog! anyway apprently Emily Cummins (damn no tag still blockedd me) last night i thought due to not knowing her dad that it was Arnornald Swartznegger or how ever its spelt !? b$ true ending it here then doing the neccessity to notepad it and upload and link it to the August2023 manifest that u may find from the one of 2 links on the initial unfree.coffeecup.com landing page index.html OCD'd TIME STAMP: 1:15am Tuesday August 29th 2023 | | | | +1minute!!! !!!! | | | |