Family-Debt-Schedule-202308302155-1.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = Dad behind $100.00c AUD of the ten $100 payments (2x$100 has been paid so far) in order to make one isolatedd $1000 AUD credit !!! | | | | Mum $15k danbank bond money $ that entitles her to a free $45 pfn!!! & there is currently $700.00c AUD trailing that entitles her to another $2.10c AUD bonus credit next payday (as the rule is 3cents per $10 debt at peak Granny $580.00c AUD and $50 ReGiftment 2022/2023 & $195.65c AUD paid of the $4,595.62c AUD ReGiftment 2021/22 Glasses Granny & Pop $4,840.08c AUD (2021/22) that only $141 has been paid 2022/23 Gayle $?,???.??c AUD & 401 pen$ less the ones?z already deliveredd ! ||| |||| Ralph $?,???.??c AUD | | | | Martin $100.00c AUD danbank bond @ approx 6%p/a though exactly $6 per year every december !!! !!!! & the Roast Chickhen & Sophia's margaretta pizza ! !!! !!!!! Stephen & Michelle $50.00c AUD danbank bond @ approx 6%p/a though exactly $3 per year every december !!! !!!! & the fish 'n chip$ Colleen $80.00c AUD ?2022/23?or?2021/22?!!! & Angela ?$65?????| ||| |||||