Daniel Dawson Just now ยท Shared with Public how cool was the dark blues and black clouds with cresent moon in the distance coming from the metal rail conduit neucleus = melbourne cbd the city, looktd menaceing not really and strange to not be electrically chargedd as it was black not purple though yeah iv onlya girls eyes were as ?hue not maggotedd maganese hua or kmfdm b$ history vandalization owners rites to change the secondary sources of primary sources anyhow like why did facebook have to shorten the 250 letter intro bio$ to 102 just so everyone was on board the thankGod this idea of revealations 24 or closest already xzystant 20 being any given sunlight day night AND literally not the prerequsite for fainting from sighting any equivalent to redrum though of adultery and girt was her lyps defruitedd monolithic unproper use of or understanding of ME RAMBLING B$ because rhyme inadequate need these v strips even though i quit , not really i was told an hour every night and QUITING IS FOR LOSERS thankGod i smoke ciggy$ too bad those that rather intestial tummy bugs to live in and near ones body then smokeing cigarettes not due to the cost or thee b$ connosuier like covinist bad ciggy smell like insence that has more to do with nostgalia of youd hope a good time and not a fmaily pet in a stew pot with dog shiFt manuvuiers on such persian aromic skewers/z badizm i need a girlfriend i once had one she did not though did cheat me the one two before her didnt cheat me during our relationship really though being a drunk teenager behgind safeway and my unfortunate for me to digest thought friend just a non agressive rival that has since absolvedd that as description with over step last sightedd unless on psychlink anyhow clarkmont heart break point all you girls that rather love someone else together with someone else to reward 3minds 2mouths 1 suicide external lucky that IIIIIIIIII CAN HARDLY BREATHE EX OH some deep inside somebody please complete me ! m1nd washedd up and my ?train sets ready to goooOOOOOO anyhow bs music needsto be playedd and not pinch perfect covers for never paying for listening futigive fugivitive however its spelt. 1147pm i got 13minutes before midnight ! besst hurry ehhhhh gtg eh ketchyahh OCD'd TIME STAMP: 11:47pm Saturday July 22nd 2023 | | | | +1minute now 11:48 PM ! !!! !!!!! editedd & read Sunday The 6th of August 2023...