THIS-$1000-danbank-INVESTMENT-OFFER-CURRENTLY-12%-APPROX-PER-YEAR-A20230830-DANDE.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = ok , I am offering the one person who tonight or latest tomorrow ( AUGUST 31ST 2023 ) does direct credit my account with $1,000.00c AUD the following: I AM OFFERING FOR THE ONE THOUSAND INVESTEDD IN ME AND DANBANK THE RETURN YIELD OF EXACTLY JUST $10.00c AUD PAID EACH CALANDAR MONTH (approx12%p/a) !!!! | | | | So yeah, U P 2 U ! ! ! ! Though yeah offer currently valid at the current time right now of 10:15pm Wednesday 2023 08 30 | | | | Contact me via facebook: PLEASE THANKYOU dan, daniel dawson, daniel + dawson 1987 born bday June 23rd !!!! |||| | | | |