kali kalimar?h is a strict zero tolerator of adultery acts/z that he/she punishedd those guilty severly includeing multiple example samples of cruelty amputations/z in likeling to saw or any other horrow horror terrible scenario$ till executedd though of prudent principle of virtue$ the was once mortal person faultedd in the sin of multilation and redrum it isnt wize/wise to evoke or tempt?attract?mention?&or advocate the ghost?spirit?apperition?greenhousegaseous?invisable almost tremor$ like that FUTURE SOUNDS LONDON - PAPA NEW GUINENEE song as despair and sinful misery causeing faults hellish and clichely not of heaven (that Kali / Kalimar?hH wrongfully (via) vicedd principles?/z! enforcedd the law similar to that of the ten commandments jesse tree'd and non animal pharmedd being the law of Moses though being of a different culture was basedd on their own influences less or minus the missing and or addedd though capital punishment and torture$ to not reward those being evil bad wrong sinful is in itself sin and broken heartedd. just like texas drug laws and bane booths/z|