THe_Medical_Degree_0003_post_number_unknown_A20230817_DAN.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = THe Medical Degree 0003 4 minutes ago ยท So ,... tap water is metaphorically the uterus of cancer cluster malignee tumorCell$ Author THe Medical Degree 0003 so ,... that means there needs to be a cancer foster algabra key componet tap water alternative then tap water as it is resomatedd and the electroylsis makes the even though purely clean and clear moleleculaly is cancer neccessity so the only alterniative i may think of instead of resomatedd recycledd water with sugaR IN a v can for example is maybe MINERAL WATER over SPRING WATER as im paranoid on spring water as it might mean it is just tap resomated rececyled water that drips along a literally metal spring coil then into a process automatedd in a staffless factory like the bayswater cocacola amatil cannery used to be like till Euro Pacific Partners took over and assistedd in raiseing inflation and the price per can though MINERAL WATER and iv not SPRING WATER might be the only option other then collecting acidrain almost rainwater from the sky and camping trip trick setup of a tarp to collect the morning dew or some of it anyway though yeah sorry those suffering and going threw chemo etc killing yousz off softly upsettingly and driveing me to try to help anyhow im not much of that . . . . OCD'd TIME STAMP: 8:25am Thursday 2023 08 17 ||| | | | | /; DAN daniel d . . . UNFREE.COFFEECUP.COM DAN daniel d . . . DAN daniel d . . . Reply Remove Preview 1 m