UPDATEDd-AGAIN!-A20230820$-the-scaredd-me-immensely-tall-thankGod-apparition-of-bunyip-dad-and-ex-husband-of-the-woman-and-her-daughter-bunyips-apparition$.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = !!write and type as much detail and remembering of the moments there earlyier tonight just on the last straight stretch of Churchill when i seen in the midrange of semi clearedd forest a tall humanlike unhuman being parallell walking semi hastelike in governance with me walking to the lip of Churchill and sighting it before there and freaking out to the point of not yelling though unassertively make comments like "erGHuAH! ~ you're scareing the shiFt out of me & the Bunyip! another 1,,, though ....though then i said "oh your the male 1 the divorcedd from 1, to the other two (a motherly bunyip introduceing me to her daughter now years ago saying she is nearlyold anough to ?marry?be with though yeah i walktd off after having the thoughts belief of possible real life havent spoken to anyone for over an hour or two and watchedd foxtel roswell and the like though meekly said to it and as i turnedd away continueing the walk i still neededd to complete saying "what did u do wrong? (insinuateing the reason for divorce) and then saying "so i dont do the same thing ! ... anyway, ANOUGH OF ME daniel d . . . unfree.coffeecup.com / ? ? ? | | | | OCD'd TIME STAMP: 2:59am Thursday 2023 08 17 | | | | - | - | | | | | | | | | | | | | | = = = = - - - - 246am Thursday 20230817 ||| | | | | 10:50pm Saturday August 19th 2023 | | | | ~ yeah i forgot to add how before sighting this targeting me parallelly tall white moonsurface like colouredd think "cliche "grey" was sightedd after talking to myself as i was walking towards one tree hill rd along Churchill saying all this stuff that was FAITH AFFIRMING and i said allowedd before sighting it and first seeing an apperition of a log near the side of the road that wasn't there even though i seen it and thought it was there though yeah the faith affirming information i have forgotten though do remember saying to myself outaloud like "iv only i thought think this stuff when sewerslideal and depressedd thinking life is only hell never heaven then i would be of faith and feeling like or rather knowing the hellish circumstances scenarios life living will pass and the good God Heaven examples being like hooking up sleeping next to the girl you have the hots for or other words are LD on with though yeah saying this stuff then to my left in the grounds that is National Park though i was told before 1950s was an actual graveyard in those either side of that part of the intersection though i had to beg and plea for mercy as i think i was saying stuff like "i want a girlfriend! i want to live not be killedd & yeah cant remember it all though whombevers ears heard me that night would know unless they too have forgotten though yeah thought i should add that in as i rememberedd more before i slept last night and thought defsz need to add that to the site/page this .txt file though yeah anyhow ... ...... OCD'd TIME STAMP: 10:56pm Saturday August 19th 2023 | | | | 1:09am Sunday 2023 08 20 $ - - - = = = = - - - - another update! anyway just before as i was having a salvage ciggy and can of v on the back verandah i thought about the moments of how i seen the more so white then grey though cliche grey$ face sorta and the apprition or alien sighting with the information saying that it turnedd into a bunyip might be b$ as the thoughts and maybe realizeation of the appearance of the black silouwuette male bunyip fully could of been that it came in frmo nowhere just to save my life from this 7or8foot tall lanky cliche grey head and illumination of moon light even though there was i think no moon visable that night though yeah this bunyip i have a feeling even iv the divorced from the other two i seen in my room years ago the mother 1 and her daughter well this 3rd sighting or sighting of 1on its own two nights ago or whenever it was fully hopefully for the reason of the mother and daughter audience of to that i witnessedd and was meeting with that night ages ago how the mother one was like "shes almost old anough and she the mother wants you (me daniel) to ?marry ? be with ? unionize not sure iv i was told consumate with though iv not her to be my girlfriend im ment to look out or after or never cause harm to, like a traditional God parent does / should though yeah maybe the only reason im alive now is because that father divorcedd? bunyip steppedd in and i confuseingly thought the tall white grey morphedd in image though it was the bunyip stepping in to save my soul or at least body. Anyhow i had to finish my ciggy early and comeback inside to type this revealtion as i think it is defineately inportant to be told read have understaning or knowledge of the unfortuneately quibble iv science non b$.... OCD'd TIME STAMP: 1:16am Sunday 2023 08 20 $ . . . ......