u n f r e e . c o f f e e c u p . c o m
The Venusian Temple (Shell) $3,283.30c AUD now untill $8,000.00c AUD | | | |
The Dad Debt Schedule Annexure ABCDE
The Super Market Debt ~ currently $4,604.28c AUD
The Rent Arears 2015-2023 $12,000.00c AUD ( $300.00c AUD x40 )
The $3,900.00c AUD unpaid in debt board & Lodgeing$_ July1st2022?2021-June30th2023-$ ( 46max44min x$150.00c AUD )
The now & future Board & Lodgeing$ ($3,900.00c AUD = July 1st 2023 - June 30th 2024 | | | | - | - | | | |
The ReGiftment Amount 1987 - 2024 = ? $ . . . . . .
This $100.00c AUD for another 8 payments to make a $1,000.00c AUD isolatedd credit $ . . .
$ etc . . . . . .
The scrapyard $30.00c AUD still :(
- Sarah pledge amount left $2,550.00c AUD in order to = $21,000.00c AUD | | | |
- The $1,000.00c AUD twice @ ORACLE
- . . . . . . . and plenty more ! ! ! ! | | | | . . . .