pORTfOLIO-oF-nEAR-aSSET$-Wednesday202308302324-DANDE.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = Investedd $25k ((+ ($1k/$990.00c AUD) )) into share$ and withdrawn $18k & now only have ((40 WBC FPO SHARE$)) & fluxing +-$15k+- total equity in AUD$ | | | | also i have a registeredd 1988 Red Corolla SECA HATCH ?SEDAN that is currently immobilsedd so no one thieve$ it though was driving when parktd !!! !!!! | | | | & appart from the kilo&half of?nordic?gold?gold&uranium?blitsmuth+element near though not exactly pure 24kt gold or other that costedd me near $400 USD !!!! | | | | ! um, what else is my assets other then the at least (hasnt been updatedd yet : GOVTrecord$) $100.00c AUD worth of possessionsz, ....though i did think i did have 2015ish at least $100,000.00c AUD worth of random opshop almost like trove of tubbedd good$ ! !!! !!!!! & and yeah um other then the packet of cigarettes i have nearby that i need to relocate i dont have that much other assets other then maybe my website !!! !!!! | | | | ! so yeah therefore im still well off having even half a million australian dollars worth of net worth though yeah at least im only in debt the amopunts i am ! ||| |||| OCD'd TIME STAMP: 11:30pm Wednesday 2023 08 30 | | | | @ ALPINE LODGE FC VIC AUstraliA EARTH | ||| |||||