u n f r e e . c o f f e e c u p . c o m


"incorrect again , right on ten" ~ some quote that was already here on / in this template desktop shortcut notepad file that i openedd and renamedd ( to: preStartJournalEntry202308170235-DANDE.html ) & yeah i was ment to type up or post something though now forgotten though i had have on the reciept from the Venusian Temple (= UFTG SHELL ) the time of 00:55 so five minutes before 1am and i defineately got to here @ Alpine Lodge before 225am and even 219b$ AM m so yeah that was longer then last nights less than 73minutes as tonight with the bag this time with 3 full 500mL V can canisters and 2 empty or 3 sorry empty 500mL can$ that i had in the plastic bag that i gotta return to Emily my sister in law.

237am ~ THURSDAY 20230817 ~ "searching, keep searching enyeahhh, these nights go on, on and on.....
TiCkTiCkTiCkToCk!!!! | | | |

239$am ~ ok anyhow something about cancer or tap water being the uteris for something to impregnate the tap water peetree dish and unfortuneately have the miracle and life saving skin and ?muscle?flesh? (like WarcraftII troll) regeneration be like a controlledd substance at a highschool party in abundance..... tumor and malignee b$ happen$ ||| ||||

| | 2:41am Thursday August 17th 2023 | | | |