Daniel Dawson sarah im worriedd about think the 1st of November last year 2022 and just the other day December 11th 2023 and with the since then silence im worriedd about this allowance in the Mental Helath Act 2014 for NeuroSurgery unconcentuated and nondisclosed = a full horrible b$ true !? anyhow ive been copy and pasteing this 1 trying to pray and hope youll be alright and get to live your life living raiseing and being free of trauma and the unlikedd anyhow here below is the copy and pastedd text. i hope yousz are all good and it might just be some superstitious technolgy or prank voodoo or just the scenarios of my paranoia and that are never good its only lucky some turn out to be completely untrue and that and i just dont want any trouble or trauma happening to u or the delision i have of this kangaroo court hearing and your strokedd drooling in a wheelchair cant move your face and ross is this barrister lawyer making all this b$ false witness disgrace anyhow i still love you sarah and i hope tommy is making sure no harm goes your way just praying they havent cut your head open or any other r18+ worser the alfred hosptial videos b$ anyway sarah heres the copy and paste: is sarah alright or are they going to stroke her with continued sustained ECTs/z!??? 1 m Reply Daniel Dawson u lucky boy Tommy. 1 y Reply