! the biggest windgE of the Day ~ 1-000-000000 the Full b$ price hike & above Anything ? economic$able financial? Sustainability & some yet for me unknown non of Greed purpose for inflation(other than to help prove no fee no interest Loaning is Doing YOU A FAVOUR) that say moneybag$ rko exm8 somehow rival? has these twenty eight essential (consumeables) produce product units?therapeutic neccessities has set the price @ $100 a unit & ? boastfully publically false Honourably though proven as such Happy to pay $100 a unit as everyone has to now pay the $100 per unit & all are sold to upset & sense of jibbed market purchasers though thats $2700 raisedd revenue & less the $100 moneybag$ pays means $2600 profit made less the creation costs that are zero as factory farms ?free tradeE? *string, sentence, msg, scrypt unfortuneately for US ?... dies out ...... . edit/adding2/claryfying?for those not understanding?relizeing?DANIEL!type simply below this ok!? .... . . . . ok, ...it just means this $100 for each unit is like how before the CocaColaAmatil factory and company got bought out and delistedd off the asx a year or so ago then what followedd ((mainly due to this 1%p/a investment line of credit / loan (that got waiveredd anyway later as well i think >:( anyway) back to the factory cannery i think in Bayswater that was fully automatedd and that though...).... this delisting and 100% privatised i think with owners becoming another front shield of dodgeys?/z this European Partners something company and instead of cocacola cans themselves being near 58cent$ per can when buying them on special and in bulk the future todays right now price not just inflation(that is being usedd unjustly as a woolsmokeScreen to up prices for produce and products by the "honourable greedy wealthy" coca cola cans for example are now not cheaper then 80cent$ each, thats 22cent$ extra per can even when buying 24 or 30 cans at a time! its full b$ like the $12 iceberg lettuces or the $4.80c 3litre milk and 379cent loaf of bread!,... my idea of totaltarilizme despotist like Government and leading movement etc b$ idea was that it was ment to be this REVENUE brand that the leading government(=thePEOPLEpopulationPEASANTfeed... labeledd all the made bakedd bread for $1 a lofe and $1 a litre of milk not to be arguedd into "oh thats not anough for our farmers!!'etc though instead its like the free three packets of cigarettes per day (yes 90 or 75 individual !tailor!factoryPressFreshCigarette$ per day! one person can not smoke 4 packets unless going for a kmart guinessbook of records or ripleys episode content or bookfiller, anyway just this country has to reduce this greedreward and tangent though revealant the rise of prosperityProstitutionAdvocacyTEACH-iNG along with b$ claims of being the are extinct aborigineesz like the initial idea of ?one of 4 releasedd life sentance psychprizon members thinking that Indian immigrants from india could pose as aboriginees?/z etc though yeah i am racist in geneology though i dont disclude or attack or hold out discrinate according to such its always psychology and decisions and general feels and or fears and or past exprience(s?/z) that determine me being nice towards a person or disappear(the weak meek coward i am.... ...anyway the time is now 140am Friday (22/DEC/2023) and yeah i forgot what i was going to save this file as though rememberedd it is the extra typeing neededd on the original file i postedd / uploadedd and made a link to on my December2023.html list of links?/z!||| |||| so yeah ill finish there... OCD'd TiME STAMP: ==== = ============== 1:42am Friday December 22nd 2023 D A N D E