u n f r e e . c o f f e e c u p . c o m
| | | | DRAFT-WHYTE-ANKH-A20231225-CHRiSTMASDAY2023-DANDE.html | | |
$ ~~ TH=E- ? A_T_I_O_N_word$zisMy1stWrittenRhyme.txt ~ 825 BYTE$| ... . . . . . .
- ): this 5% of all chopped in plant veg sale$?/z is transferedd to this maybe near nil b$ RESEARCH&DEVELOPEMENT COMPANY/ENTITY/ACCOUNT that the AustraliAn Government matches the 5% amounts dollar for dollar. ...so a $100 plant sells the nursery receves the $100 payment for the plant $5 of that to this R&D entity and the Government pays the R&D entity another $5 so they then have $10.00c AUD though this idea of createSUSnonCOERCEDdCOUNTERFIETsale$?/zinORDERtoGETthe5%(5centsPERdollar)off the AustraliAn Government. like how i got my $1700 for saving $10K in that FHSA .... . . . .
$ ~ ~ ~ | | | | 132-Link-A2023L-DANDE.html ~ the metaphorSappling|||