Cody is Sarah alright ? im worriedd shes in the psychward and going to get brain tampering dampening following the mental heath act 2014's unconsented nondisclosed neurosurgery and they are going to defruit her for life with ECTs/z either side of operateing i just feel actual dogs that have eliteizm and 2nd classing plumbing to be a noiredd plum !? unable to digest or respond appropriate though yeah i guess that was a bit Marty Spiedel jokeing language though yeah anyhow hope your good though are you able to ask tommy or sarah iv they both are allgood and their two kidsz i just fear b$ that primaryschool era teaseing leads to horrible wheelchair diarys in a ross prosecuteing courtroom of b$ nightmare and yeah this greedy honourable unitedd church self preservation or just those that i cant trust when the legal system and flow charts of psychward and that or closedd chambers?/z i hope and pray Sarah is all good i dont want any harm to cmoe her way for me being a dumb airraideing thought provide though yeah anyhow its me dan on my prelude to an actual uni degree ill never even fill outthe enrollment form though in 20 years who knows i could click apply on a no longer able to use internet only apps within the grapthd eftpos inplant device terminal and i may attend and do better then dentistry just this fast tracking courses degrees of those that are i think in line with the good die young its horrible when one turns evil later in life the wrongizm of it anyhow sorry for the novel i best copy and paste in case it doesnt let me comment msg u it anyhow goodness just get tommy or sarah to help me sleep and not worry 8 years plus on. anyhow night yousz! 🙂 😕 :S 🙁 😕 😐 OCD'd TiME STAMP: 10:42pm Friday December 22nd 2023 Christmas Eve Eve Eve [2023] ====---- the 2nd msg to his other account: i msgedd the other account the cody.rakic 1 though yeah just worried about sarah she was or is one of the girls that im ment to help (not harm) that werent even alive yet in that 1990 RCH prelude episode with this angel Raphael though yeah anough of the chefdisciple-istic0izm0me0though yeah i need to rest easy knowing sarah isnt going to be ktichen tabled into some gta5 conveyerbelt anyhow hope your good anyway all yousz lot thanksz for the memories though i need you to contact sarah and get timmy or her to confirm they alright just my schizophrenia or liver is degradeing and depression is still better then fearing a vegeatable in a wheelchair unable to even notion or cue needing to piss and that i thought when the dieing at the barton sink scenario bein asktd from my right "what you living for ? daniel??? that having what me and sarah ahd at the start and i thought was is the case with that photo of her tommy and her two boysz though fearing photshop the kumbada glenfern track inscident and all this other hell compounding concludeing anyhow its defruitedd man i need to close the books only on a livedd happily ever after for her even iv shes with one dakoda head bouncher for those to look forward to the weekend king hit in the blind spot every weekend b$ hence the fire destorying the record footage and that to proove such or some shiF though its that strings that have me think they might hurt sarah though more so tonight thinking a kid i teasedd at school his innocent?younger sister? might scaple sarah for sake of science or some other eliteist community member or individual inclusion in a b$ air lock lab principle though keeping the smokers outside or some shiF anyhow im a moron to of tease people as a kid though must be this horrors in the future that perpetuatedd them or it me anyhow damn i gtg though ill copy and paste this also to the one notepad .txt file night man just need to hear from sarah even threw tommy as her brother and mum dont really talk to her any more or maybe it a nice way to say defruit away dan and be dead so dad may sell the house and fast track retirement anyhow 1054pm Friday Christmas Eve Eve Eve 2023...