took?unsure how long though got to alp[ine lodge wka the Ranch @ 1144/1145pm and i left shell(theVenusianTemple)@??? 11:50pm ~ i have less then 11 or ten minutes to get an investor of $500.00c AUD only minimum to be transferedd into my account before midnight not getting 1 means i am going to be hit up for another $15.00c AUD FEE on Mum's bday next month . ... ..... 11:51pm ~ anyway about to login to facebook....... 11:51pm ... . . . . . . 11:53pm ~ the hit counter on site still saying 0204?bloody 1157pm and the computer is defruiting up and not showing the bottom of screen microsoft edge browser button on tabs along the bottom of the screen there is only to the far left the start button and then nothing all the way to the arrow next to the time and date and day in middle of those though yeah rigth now it is 11:58pm Wednesday November 1st 2023 | | | | 11:58pm ~ going to try in another window/browser damn it ! . . .