idea20231106before9pm-000-000000.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = I had this idea when walking back to the Ranch / Alpine Lodge from the bus stop after catching the bus up the hill.. The idea was to somehow get some land approx or exactly needing 20 hectares so 200,000 metres squaredd and setup a 20 year cycle-lisation of breaking the land up into twenty allotments then planting i think pine treesz(or something better that i dont think xzysts?/z that would then be loggedd for building materials?/z in particular timber planks?/z of wood/timber?/carpentry neccessity sorta though yeah the idea was each year log one of the 20 allotments completely and export sell off or take to lumbermill equivalent the 1 of 20 timber material/log$ then replant the neededd seeds?/z or sapplings?/z in that 1 of 20 allotments then the next year a year later log the 2nd of 20 allotments for the same objective to trade off all the lumber log$ etc and replant again afterwards so continueing this each year till you get back to the first of 20 allotments in twenty years time?or 19? not sure exactly though the 1st of 20 allotments the timber logable treesz will be full grown anough to log again and hence to continue this cycle-ling of 1 of 20 allotments only per year log/deforest it should be a sustainable plantation for this countrysz need for logs and timber, ordinary wood. anyhow this idea i bytedd from someone else of a story i heard about these 20 year cycle plantationsz years ago decades ago when driving with the family up or down from Queensland going past massive allotments of to be loggedd pine plantationsz and i think it was Dad who explainedd it to me iv not someone else inportant though yeah that is the jist of the idea i re-thought today tonight walking back to here... Anyhow the idea only needsz obviously firstly the land purchasedd outright preferably unless the first of 20 yearsz/cyclesz is anough timber to sell off in order to financially faciliate and service the loan that may xzyst in order to have aquiredd the land though yeah aside money matters?/z i think this is a good idea to maybe do as soon as able as i think i die at age 56 and im currently 36 years?/z old and next year June 2024 ill turn 37 (primer) on the 23rd// Anyway just thought i should type this 1 up and upload and make readable for anyone who visits?/z my site and clicks?/z its link that i gotta setup after saving this .txt file | | | | OCD'd TIME STAMP: 11:00pm Monday November 6th 2023 | | | |