An-unlocktd-mobile-phone-handset-in-working-order-offer-A20231108-$.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = in short i am offering (iv myself approve and agree the phone is good anough and still working / ready to put any phone company simcard in & activate make ready to make and recieve calls and texts and use internet etc...... anyway im willing in exchange for such 1 phone to offer $200.00c AUD in danbank bond money that would be to the person entitledd to a free dollar every month and i owe the $200 isolatedd danbank bond money seperate and will continue to pay $1.00c AUD every month each month and that equates to approx 6.00%p/a though exactly $1 per month. Anyway up2u the reader to decide or propergate this offer though yeah i have no phone and need 1 astat! !!! . . . . . . OCD'd TiME STAMP: 9:31pm Wednesday November 8th 2023 | | | |