DANiEL's-DOLLARz.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Um just a second , was going to type nothing other then the file name and a1 count line under it though yeah um thinking i need to find a way to make this like (a computer game from the early mid90s) PRiVATEER mission computer & i guess also like the Mercenary Guild and Merchant Guild's cd guild mission disc$ ! ... ..... anyway is anyone able to assist ? or i dont want to starty another bitCoin or DogeCoin though it would be good iv you were paid for completing any of these to be on a like centrelink kiosk and atm machine ~ that is the Privateer Mission Computer....... anyway needs more attention,work and effort and knowledge / smart$ etc though yeah "a work in progress" and forgotten comment i was going to end this .txt file with ?... unfree.coffeecup.com D A N D E OCD'd TiME STAMP: 9:445pm Wednesday November 8th 2023 | | | |