preStartJournalEntry202311082049$-ALPiNE-LODGE-1.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = ! ok so here i am again at a computer terminal this 1 not being the library's though the cubboard laptop and monitor setup with wireless keyboard and mouse though yeah not much to type here other then just got back from walking from the bus stop and yeah thinking tonight to do this near Kallista walk mish to meet a friend (THOMAS SANUEL) in order to pass him the 1 v 500mL can i owe him and hopefully (i still need to ask him this first) maybebe able to lend the money neededd to aquire a unlocktd mobile phone handset though yeah anyhow anough of me i did luckily get to say Good Night to my nephew who my sister in law has already taken to bed though lucky he and her were still awake so got my south park doseage anyhow 851pm now and i think i should end this here and save ti after the ocd'd time stamp foot-note-ing non b$ .... OCD'd TIME STAMP: 8:52pm Wednesday November 8th 2023 | | | |