Daniel Dawson 10m · Shared with Public i guess right these minutes/z(hour$ moneybag$ is getting his eviction waivered for a week favour again = just me never having a girlfriend as the chances of being likedd already slim anough though compound with written off criteria of not having the sLyshipSpiker(&unfortuneately not neccessary in all occassion$/z is upsetting me and thoughts of him being this quadraplegic in the semi?near future and become enshrinedd as this disgusting alter of filth for even worser horrible men to give what he propergatedd and did to other people's live$?/z or feelings?/z at least. anyhow i guess its better him getting a gobbie down the street then me as i thought this girl had a boyfriend. guess she still does just how the fruit does one keep amalgaedd together when polygamy xzysts?/z! ??? it cant just be me that doesnt want to share my girlfriend , iv i had one , or when i usedd to have 1, anyway horrible death$/z to scumbags/z i pray im not one of them... OCD'd TiME STAMP: 7:10am Thursday November 9th 2023 | | | | upset 🙁 windge-ing DANiEL d . . . Daniel Dawson ?highview? 18 m Reply Daniel Dawson ?who is the girl in the house who refuses to favour such unholy derogateE? i want(and need badly:( a girl without his insureing maggotseed, wheres? the girl? who is clean anough from such to meet my fussy never get any??? i need a girlfriend astat ! the connective ~ no english language or other may help , !damnit syanarhra 😢 might as well have another ciggy and ditch this bdget for the fortnight, another reason no girl choose me, ugly irradiatedd plutonium uranium fate, the reason no one sits near when im on a train awake. all this fake proof b$ that haunts me ALL due to disrespect and faultedd priority and worship, guess thats why that mean old woman has the servicee feet amputatedd and an exgf my most recent apparently hands removedd all for the additions to the unholy alter of filth = moneybag$ quadraplegic like how he told me about his nightmare he had and wonderedd why "i(he) couldnt move and people were #hiF+-ing on me(him) utter disgust for treating friendship$ that didnt xzyst and such.. not going to bitch about a waivered interest loan though there was something to argue that ive forgotten as usual though yeah shame on me, blame daniel d... dont start rhymeing dan, tests surgery 19 90 nine makes?/z in truth zero impulse pick upsz of mine 723am the time though yeah the curse of my toungue on the back of my lower teeth the indication of realtime/syncronity of a girl i like the most recent licking his b$ freely without physical though financial submission, i can only hope though i guess the tongue thing is still defineately a cursedd consequence from him laughing burning a mouse alive (he says a rat) in a can for fun after or before he blew in my exgf so cancer styles becomes only unfun. and to jester joker sorts laughing ammuntion, full over this b$ need a girl thats nice to me , here with me, otherwise i guess i fully have to wait till moneybags finishes his legal law degree and frames me with factual out of context and all witness from a groomed jury and once basementedd those older girls sick of traitor and acrual legal criminals or bad boyfriends to at least have me feel spezhill whilst the crispex box covers the cell video anyhow shattteredd and devo i think i have to wait till next year for any female contact, i guess that isnt as bad as psychlinks told me "not untillafter you dead/die though yeah as iv the tongue indication is a girl wanting to kiss me, im dreaming to beleive that so again cursedd with the fact of parents credit card kvtpp pump b$ flump, fail daniel 1 NR 1 no nail($, end it here daniel stop typeing and have a bloody cigarette and start to feel a bit better; OCD.d TiME STAMP: 1minute till 730am Thursday November 9th 2023 | | | | ((chains - nyxen playing on spotify ... . . . . . . 1 m Reply Daniel Dawson about an hour ago · Shared with Public