101am-Saturday-November-18th-2023-$.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = ! ok, ...here i am at this computer terminal that has been taking over half an hour to load and get me to be able to use notepad or even to sign into windows though yeah linus?linex?linux?and MCiNTOSH the aftermath result or destiny place where TOOTinCARman'$ gold wound up before being meltedd from old computer circuitry and or the like horse droppings tank shell waste residue slag from uranium?leopard turrent useage... anyway anough of me the time is now 4 minutes after 1am and i need to checkt the myki fare topup reciept to know how long it took me to walk up the hill when the official seen first sightedd the alpine clock it was 1219am and yeah i left after 11pm though ill check the exact time of the myki topup the last thing i did at uftg station, hang on.... !it says 2320 so 1120pm so all up that is a recent this years pb personal best of only 59minute$! when normally it has been taking me over 70minutes nearer or up to 80minute$! though yeah well thats good then.... !ok, the time now is 106am and i best sort out this computer or check my facebook and that though yeah not in a bad mood after about closer to 7pm-8pm i startedd getting "Anixety"onset and that riddledd me most of tonight till i got back to Flinder's Street Station and caught a 958pm Ringwood train anyhow the time is 108am i best boot !!!! . . . . OCD'd TiME STAMP: 1:08am Saturday November 18th 2023 | | | |