Not-a-new-1-though-1-i-got-to-be-taught-of-and-learnedd-of-suches-xzystance-being-that-of-a-home-household-outdoor-garden-compost-A20231122-$-DANDE.txt =================== - ======== - ========= - ============ - ============ - ========= - ============== - ======= - =================== credit$:$ch1111ng$ ! thE simple idea and routine?outside?ecologic?and relatedd to permeculture teachings and principle($?/philosphy? productive?or garden smart$? or household fruit and vegetable waste disposal method that is good for the soul and enviroment... . . . . . , ! ok, ...just get a ?60?or?100litre plastic moulded outdoor compost bin from say Bunnings or wherever for like near $100? or something OR ALTERNATIVELY designate a square metre or 2 of backyard land that has to be dedicatedd to the full intention of being a kitchen compost bucket filledd emptying dropsite dumpsite and each day or night after filling the kitchen bucket with fruit and veggie scrapsz the quanitfy and are gracedd the actual council pickup garbage bin and or recycles co-mingle bin$ then once the bucket is full go to your purchasedd compost bin or the designatedd dumpsite for such fertil-enhance-ing-does become a homemade/sourcedd resource being that of iv churnedd and mixedd up having the decomposition raised to the top and other swapptd under etc turning the fruit and veg wasteland area/compost bin it is good for adding to other garden area as it helps with give-ing other plants and that nutrients and think might assist with mositure retention of the surface area you scatter such compost derivedd soils/dirt(it does iv left and myasis'ed break down to a near black dirt appearance resource from diverting tangible material from the garbage and instead the compost bin or compost dumpsite location....... anyhow anough from me, hopefully this educatesz you anough for u to setup your own compost at home and benefit from less messy yuck garbage bin$ and or just for peace of mind that you are doing the best ecologically decision and method of fruit and veg disposal that i know of.... OCD'd TiME STAMP: 10:13pm Wednesday November 22nd 2023 | | | |