8:31pm & now 8:32pm right now according to the right hand corner bottom of this monitor screen windows statedd time and date/calandar square being the 22nd of November 2023 . . . . Anyway,... ..here i am at the computer laptop finally and i had this idea as i was walking back to here where this setup is locatedd and yeah involvedd some40 eyar plan or twenty years that without a girlfriend for life i think is near fully unable for me to make happen or be graced includedd into such though yeah the time is now 2 before 835pmish and today is a Wednesday and all i have done today other then consume ciggysz and v canisters and some of this has gone flat and warm can of coca cola that i still owe $2 for to my brother's old coach though yeah anyhow i still got that DESTROY THE MAP song (by 36 crazyfists) still in my mind and have a thought or suspect that the COG lead singer is also a part singer at least in just that one above statedd song though yeah.... ill finish this preStartJournalEntry here ok?! .... . . . . | | | | OCD'd TiME STAMP: 8:35pm Wednesday November 22nd 2023 | | | |