x+ENpenceCREWcriminal$-part-1.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ! ok, ...these --> x +EN pence CREW criminal(?$ are rootedd or firstly came to light due to the delisting and "nil" consideration(AUD currency credit$ cent$/centage per Ten Network Holdings Limitedd in the year ?i have forgotten though over two years or more or so ago, though yeah it had to do with AustraliAn TV channel TEN(10,1,11,&?) and FOXTEL as the timeing im not sure what was first or last though i think it was NEWS CORP or FOXTEL that demergedd into two divestment companies those being both "21st Century Fox" and the New News Corp that in turn after establishing and the divestment had movedd along it then re-calledd itself back to the orginal before halveing ?management?ownership structure back to just NEWS CORP and yeah i think such's ASX listedd shares have the share code asx:NWS anyhow also revealant inforamtion or pointless though was thought as i typedd all this was that i think it was ?Seven West Media (Asx:SWM) that sold or it was News Corp that sold all their magazines to a (i think) UK firm?company that may or may not be the later from my own research and sighting some AustraliAn (sorry iN!AustraliA) magazines stateing that are ownedd by this private can not invest in company called "are media" though yeah unsure iv that is correct or not, though yeah anyhow there is more inforamtion about this ten pence crew that i need to type up again or at least though ill just stop near here due to motivation and sorta needing a ciggy and v(canister500mL1 and yeah still need to have my meds?/z| anyhow this may be "part-1"' OCD'd TiME STAMP: 1:14am Thursday November 23rd 2023 | | | |