= = = = - - - - | | | | . . . .
- THe BAXTER LIST September 2023 v1.000 | | | AnotherBaxterList2023.html | | | | !!i still need to master and type up this 1 list of caste other$z| ||| ||||/ ~ and yeah..
- The Sarah pledge left to make a total of $21k ~ is $2,300.00c AUD neededd, so 4 more fiftysz then ? . . . thinking $9So then its $2,091.00c AUD as both her kidsz dad is an 1991 born im pretty sure though yeah,... . . . .
- ? thE SuperMarketDebt is now $4,600.00c AUD . . . . . .
- thE Venusian Temple (wasEurekaOperations&nowVIVAenergyVEAasx)? $2,845.05c AUD . . . . . .
- - - > - > thE sCRAP yARD that $20.00c AUD still oweing still . ... ..... so yeah just need 40kg$ of can$ !!! !!!! | | | |
- ? thE oVERdRAFT dEBT WiTh CbA & MuM $15,800.00c AUD & a free $47.40c AUD this payday November 8th 2023 | | | |