9:50pm sorry 9:51pm it is right now !!!!!! ====----& yeah, Here i am and i am thinking i should note that here being Alpine Lodge it was wka(wasKnownAs) the Ranch back im thinking in the years before meeting Sarah!... ...so yeah,: Anyway here now and typeing at this computer terminal we, us as a fmaily have taken on the fostering of my Grandparent's dog Polly a jackrussell cross pomerainian and even though plumbage and coat isnt exactly the same though is the same colour and likeness to that DogeCoin logo. anyway,... 9:53pm ~ thoughts of Allison and her Mum arise due to the minutes of the time right now though yeah hopefully soon me and her go and visit my friend up north soon. 9:53pm - the time is stil this 9:53pm & yeah....