iv only creation characters other then blue whale though even that compareddto that metallicca song film clip setting risen raisedd summit would not even be as long as its tail though yeah 1937 ? b$ as 1939 killing jews startedd murdering those opposedd to not ruining marriages though AustaliA Melbourne i think was a part of this NAtionalist Empire though once innocent and people alone being killedd they defectedd from the b$ rich reign setup 408am i think anyway may be wrong and got no citeation of my sources and cant think from memory only from one post of a olden day book with a cover saying something like Melbourne th 7th or 9th city of the Empire , now thinking britian post roman afterwards?/z| ||| |||| me a dog 409am Fr1day 2023 09 01 gotta copy and paste this to notepad and put onthe site as this comment wont comment without b$ redtape approveal so yeah 409am | ||| ||||| me daniel d . . .