A20230901-the2nd-email-Fr1day-September-1st-2023-$ ~ "girl come here and give me a head job¿ Yahoo / Inbox Daniel Dawson To: xzyst4114@yahoo.com Fri, 1 Sept at 6:43 am unwantedd dan. daniel dawson myself continuously conclude most of the time that life is hell.. i hope a girl someday or night soon changes me thought and conculsion b$ though earwax helpsz most defineatly just when by myself without a girl like Sarah nearby and giving me attention (not a ADD or ADHD b$ thread... though without Sarah here reassureing me i feel i am never going to go to heaven that is hooking up with a girl you like the look or feel of thoughts opf and intentions?z etc though yeah too many girls didnt like me anough and cheatedd and yeah now its 639am in the morning on a Fr1day and i think i might not have anou8gh for myki at least to go to the city though i have at least a 2hour zone 2 myki fare amount already still on the myki card though yeah im @ 131 so 130 though today not sure was thinking of sleeping though i need to be doing something >? ......Jack is up and his mum my sister in law Emily though yeah forgot though remmeberedd just then that $5.30c AUD and as of OCtober 1st 2023 $3.00c AUD every single calandar month as interest on the $300.00c AUD debt that has only had $3.70c AUD paid from/about so & that though yeah now 641am =~ FDA and the 614 equaledd FN though yeah jujst two girls from 2007 that i likedd and didnt root either of them lucky to have kissedd one and not sure though think even with not hooking up i may have slept next to both of them though they wantedd or are now with different people and both had kidsz though yeah right now Sarah just sang a few lines of this Lady Gaga song ALICE that i think i need to watch the filmclip music video again as i like it other then the bridge though yeah anyhow anough of me its two minutes till 644am Fr1day202309010643| ||| |||| daniel d . . . Reply, Reply all or Forward