u n f r e e . c o f f e e c u p . c o m
"incorrect again , right on ten"
87minutes ago i was at uftg station . . . b4 i set off to walk up the hill along the bike lane and to one three nil via churchill . . . . . |
! was bloody 251am now 252am Friday September 1st 2023 | | | | and yeah have to mention the thread i need to solve or help in doing so this issue with post counterveilance from that i read in a .pdf or something webcrawling about post Broome being nukedd(2016OCTOBER) and the 2018 bushfire drones napalming etc though um yes the National Park and the foul putrid smell of sewerage and the thought of iv AustraliA is inporting AsiA's sewerage maybe due to them not adding greywater laundry products into there disgust fluid might be the reason the inportedd sewerage is no good for making fuel LP Gas and bioDiesel hence the scatttering and distribution hideing dumping and fouling up the national park in certain spots and also in multiple near residential even water drainage infastructure underground easements?concerte plumbing adept of ? i havent a clue though need to incite someone to save the day and the population unfortuneate anough to not have ciggysz and cop a whiff of any of this disgusting horrid smell($
ok anyway depressedd and left out no girl wants me or lets me know ever anyway so i loss. damn, 255am Fr1day September 1st 2023 | | | | 256am & 256 byte configuration$ | | | |||| unfree.coffeecup.com
slightly editedd and hate useing the word though fixtdd up one unintendedd extra letter o in save and addedd in the chronologic information in brackets October 2016 anyhow anou8gh of me daniel d . . .
ThoughtsFirst-A202309010250-ZD-DANDE1.html ~ original first draft file of this 1
Fr1day Septemebr 1st 2023 | | | |