Daniel Dawson shared a memory. Just now · Shared with Public TURNEDD OUT TO BE DEPLETEDd? URANIUM OR PLUTOIUM THAT IS THIS GOLD MELT$ FROM ISRAEL BACK THEN YES I THINK 2014 WHEN THE AUD:USD WAS 1:1 SERIOUSLY I KNOW MY CASEMANAGER AT THE TIME INVESTEDD $2000 aud LATER ON FOR A RECEEDEDD $1820ish AS HE SWAPTD WHEN 1AUD:91ish USD CENT$! 9 Years Ago See your memories Daniel Dawson September 5, 2014 · Shared with Public $31675 I may have on this intangible lotto ticket basically I'm either getting gold or copper prices if the ingots are yellow and to which wholeness depends on the purity of the scrap slag prior pouring and post production let's hope for my sake it is the legit shit its all melts from all the CPU skleeves and components stripped and emalganated together into consolidated two troy ounce bricks ingots so if 24kt 99.99%pure fine then I'm sitting on $31675 cash for the smart tho by chance and by fate opportunity which corealates with my god the one of Israel and the masonic biblical coded text which I tell u the gold that got looted in Israel well someones recipe being those spoils and receipt of few teneral thpusamd s 31$k in fact $675 over for initial outlay of fuckall as the offer was on net for only 2hrs and I was lucky enough to be on when they advertised them briefly I would all tho two I bidded on that's 25 successful acquisitions of each two troy ounce ingot mini brick which if (after ungoinging a proper test to confirm purity if having just in the house or in bunker good gold ingots are just sitting there by them selves I need to make more money materially manifesto EDIT:WARNING:MUST-READ-THIS-ME-OK-i think this scrypt or typedd text is either been changedd to intentionally deintegralize or ive mistypedd or somehow sliptd on keyboard or not every keystroke has computedd as that $675 or 675 i think was ment to be a $67.5?think USD or AUD after or before converting though i do remember with the AUD and USD at the time (Sept2014) wwas close or exactly 1:1 ((miracle i know!_ well i remember i won one over two ounce or 60something grams block ingot ((mini bullion_ and then there was like 30 listing at initial starting bid $10.00c USD and i biddedd on like 30 listings on ebay and won like another 23 of them making the total blocks of ment to be solid gold melts (?from computers((apparently from macintosh computers thats gold on circuits came from toot-in-car-man'$ tomb robbedd gold nonplunder(unless it was?! though yeah it costedd me about $400 AUD approx and unfunny joke to end edit notes MY GIRLFRIEND !!! !!!! |||| | | | | . . . .