preStartJournalEntry202309051523-unknown-was-going-to-try-for-next-train-though-maybe-defruit-it!.txt = = = = - - - - there was a list of 17 i think webaddresses?/z that i sightedd on the train out the window from Flinders though think startedd with one website printedd on the side of a non apo van that i seen in the city though yeah startedd it (this list) off with that rememberedd address then the second from the mother can i was holding and still have in my pocket and then a third was the arl near redcycle era and motive or ?cause though yeah remaindedd on packageing of most sorts either producedd by late delistedd amcor orora now opal though yeah thats just the of near sorta part of the not sure iv natural or artificial length travel course of Ferny Creek or tremont1 not sure though yeah now 326pm and think ill miss the train though gotta upload this page .txt file and should at least do the list of websites that i seen. anyway anough from me daniel d . . . OCD'd TIME STAMP: 3:26pm Tuesday September 5th 2023 | | | |