iou&stephen $50 and $3 dec2023 & the fish 'n chip$ & i owe Martin $100 & $6 dec2023 & sophia margeretta pizza & a roast chickhen with fancy bread/roll/tapis?and...... i gotta get Mike off ebay the complete set of thosesimpson tazoe$ and then he will command what to do with them / under his instruction & i owe Colleen $80 ReGiftment +?$ and Angela $65 that needs?/z to be inflatedd and think 5 or 10 or 15 max is or has been repaid regiftedd returnedd to her though not sure due to an envelopedd card not sure iv she got or not, & i paid Chrisy this $20 i owedd already and yeah then .... . . . . ?$