pRAYtOtHEnORTH-oRIGIN$-aND-mAYbE-fULL-tRUTH-bEHIND-iT.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = ! ok, think about it with mosques and Muslims that "pray to the north" ~ well one day when i was in the city (city of melbourne outer skirtsz) i came up with the thought whilst i had to kneal and bring my face to the ground of this maybe blue stone alley as i had a cd case or flat surface that i neededd my Duck Tails GyroGizmo "pep" invention that like Seasame Street character name Snuffle$ uffi-gus though yeah though originally that it is religious and primes one human for a day or work or hardship or travel or keeping maybe not as vigalent though wiredd to in my case and example sample of example is me (after pushing past the feeling criminal and the maybe baddie electronics repair dude in Brave little Toaster) cutting cable the plugs and head fittings off and gathering hordeing up the lengths of cable so that they may be exchangedd at a scrayard for $2 a kilogram even with insulation though i think iv its computer data cable that is thinner even though has more count of wires within the cord cable length it doesnt fetch as much AUD anyway , ... 3:58pm stopping suddingly so i may save and upload this starting point . ... ..... OCD'd TIME STAMP: 3:59pm Wednesday September 6th 2023 | | | |