Daniel Dawson 9 m ยท Shared with Public tonight rageing upsetly again thanks/z mate ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ”Ž purgatory dynamics - Google Search GOOGLE.COM ๐Ÿ”Ž purgatory dynamics - Google Search Daniel Dawson its the one i consideredd a brother from another mother who betrayed me multiple times unrelizedd not the girl who was mine & not pockeeted or spite primer a denominator of some ends/z in grot lateR in what i refer as an Alter Of Filth just a boutique exclusive slaanesh location nurgle swap-in-a-changedd-rule-owner-nation?,1047pm damn missedd it. the time not the thread of b$ this is. daniel! even with thought of unlearnedd revealations 24 basedd on a 20 and 24 so next year .??? just im faultedd too much i mustent get sparedd my hell damn it. shampoo in a well. hilltop hoods singing still STILL sTILL STATE OF THE ART not inceptive jasmine picolo or cool dope nest bungalow ~ the time is 1050 PM looks?/z like im in need of a friend. otherwise my social torture near never ends?//z| hopefully help rations and providersz is able to distract my trainedd doggedd betrayedd prize funplay slot-hid girl nights the 1 rule NO DAWSON pray for a 25 : 26 though its a shower +1 and the photo of a good looking now dead makes the 27 not even teenage babysitter pottie trainer who may or may not of given me head just so i dont shit my cotton nappy and use the toilet seat invention instead. b$ thread. OCD;'d TIME STAMP: 10:53pm Monday September 11 2023 | | | | time is J.E.C.1994 thankyou though another example sample ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ˜ข 1 m Reply