i am now 36 years old. next year i will be 37 years old. 37 is a prime number, so in hope, iv i dont have a girlfriend by then hopefully the supersitious or made up saying "when?the primes align" ! hopefully it means i get marriedd to a nice looking girl .... . . . .
Google Search: unsplash |
another google search keyword / lettering$ ^v^V^
https://www.apa.com.au/about-apa/our-projects/ ~ iNTERESTiNG, from initially having fully had my hint hitching?fruit DAN! ......just that Singapore Power & Singtel i article "pulledd out of AustraliA' and as that hand and finger retractedd another finger and hand China extendedd in the form that having think 51+?% ownership to a still strong 20% or iv i remember correctly think it was 19.9?% once asx:SPN turnedd into AST = Ausnet & i had researchedd and found that AST's type of share was that of only other similar i knew of in class terminology being Stapled Securities instead of near b$ CDi$ and good ol' fully paid ordinary share$ these being Scentre Group's Westfield ?Retail Trust ~ the precurser entity before shopping centres?delivering?mirage$?trueNOT!?iAMtalkingSHIfTnowCHANGEthatFONTsize2backINTOjustA1pleaseDANIELd...