2024-PAPERCLiP-FLiP-idea-byte-clone-0212-1.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = So yeah to start with i had the 5 green bags 1 for each brother and 1 for each parent though my brother wasnt interestedd in tradeing for the used dusty green bag and instead his girlfriend my sister in law offeredd to swap one for two mini chupachups and i ziplocktd them even though was bit resistant in such swap as it was for a consumeable where as i was more thinking these flips trades?/z wereto be just of inanimate tangible items objects?/z anyway after swaping for the 2 minichupachups i walktd to a distant distance neighbour known from praimary school and that thinking they were having their garage sale basedd on a KEEP GOING sign i graphtd on when walking here after getting off the bus i caught in the morning up the hill though yeah i got to swap them firstly i was told maybe give it a day and that and my was brothers mate local goodizm said he'd drop something off in the mail tomorrow though when walking back towards where i startedd off/here with Granny'sz dog Polly that has been adoptedd here due to Granny having to sell her house and moving into agedd care anyhow we were walking up seabreeze and Sam drove up saying that he found something for me suggesting a batman or something though he gave me a i think malorian?non stnadard specializedd STARWARS StormTrooper figureen so yeah off to a good start i wonder what the next person will swap/trade and how the other 4 waltWoolworths usedd carry bags the other initial tangible seeds?/z eventually adventurely turn into/get swaptd for anyhow the intent is to record the swapsz/tradesz here in notepad on the computer and upload and internet public publish the information anyhow anough of me 1259pm Monday February 12th 2024 .... . . . . OCD'd TiME STAMP: 1min before 1pm Monday February 12th 2024 ! damn now it says in the corner of the screen where the wonkaVision ?(replicator) nanolathe?teleport despatch and arriveals platform is and now it says 101pm i better save this and end it....